The Best Time to Add Holiday Merchandise

I have a question for you: When do you think is the best time to add holiday merchandise? Do you think you would come across as greedy or annoying, if you start putting out holiday merchandise in September? Now before I tell you why it isn’t, let me say that I get it. No one wants to see Christmas trees … Read More

This One Event Grew Sales 10x

event grew sales 10x

It’s true, this one event grew sales 10x when Amy and Courtney first started implementing it and it just keeps getting better! Read or watch to learn how Watermark Corners use this marketing strategy every month. Watermark Corners is a RETAILMavens client who uses the foundations of the Sales Breakthrough System to consistently increase their sales, manage their inventory and … Read More

Small Town Retail: You CAN Thrive

Lori holding her award and the words 'Thriving in small town retail'

Yes, it’s possible to thrive in small town retail! Watch or read my chat with Lori Holt from Quilter’s Corner – a thriving small town retail shop! Lori is a RETAILMavens client who uses the 4 steps of the Sales Breakthrough System to build her sales, profit and supportive team. Watch this free training to start implementing the Sales Breakthrough … Read More

How to Get VIP Treatment From Vendors

Get VIP Treatment from Vendors

Would you like to get VIP treatment from your vendors? Of course you do!! To learn the secrets to get the most support possible from your vendors, I’m sharing what I learned and I got the scoop from a former senior buyer from Macy’s and a fantastic women’s apparel sales representative. These experts both pointed out that maximizing your relationship … Read More

The Best 5th Saturday Promotions

The Best 5th Saturday Promotions

The best 5th Saturday promotions not only brings traffic to your store, but also accomplishes the sales, profit and inventory goals you need it to. 5th Saturdays only come around 4-5 times a year which makes it the perfect opportunity for you to promote your store! As always, there’s a science behind everything we do here at RETAILMavens which is … Read More