The Single Biggest Mistake You Can Make

I used to go to seminars about retail advertising and when they would start talking about target markets my eyes would glaze over.  “I sell kid’s clothes and gifts.  Everyone knows a kid.  Therefore, everyone is my customer,” I would think.  In one way that is true.  But obviously at some level, I knew that not EVERYONE that knew a child … Read More

One Easy Way To Get Credit Faster From A Vendor

At this time of year, you don’t want anything to get in the way of getting the inventory you need RIGHT NOW!  Whether your store or ecommerce website has been in business for five months or five years, when you ask a product vendor for payment terms, they will want to check your credit history. This practice is not only … Read More


I am not going to play games with you.  This is serious and critical. Every single one of my private clients has been told about the importance of emailing weekly – especially right now.  I will quickly address your concerns about “is that too much?” ABSOLUTELY NOT!  You only want to be communicating with people who WANT to hear from … Read More

Delegation: The Secret ALL Successful Retailers Use

Let me share a big secret with you that all successful retailers know: If you want to have an ideal business, work less and make a whole lot more, I can assure you that you CANNOT do it by yourself. You must delegate! How do I know this? Because for years, I tried! For years, I told myself that no … Read More

Big Goals….Small Steps

Last week I talked to you about setting your big sales goal through the end of the year.  I got such a great response to it – read it before you go on. Click here to read last week’s article: So you set your BIG GOAL…