The Best Content Ideas from Trade Shows

The best content ideas from trade shows

I know that going to retail trade shows is a whirlwind of activity and decisions. But don’t miss the pieces of content ideas hiding at your next trade show. It’s pure GOLD for your content marketing.

You come back from trade shows with so much NEW… new lines, new items, new ideas and new enthusiasm. Right?

Imagine today is your first day back at work. You’re pumped up! As you pull up to your store you are thinking, “Just wait until my team hears about all the great new items I found.”  You open the door and …

….now flash forward 8, 9, 10 or even 12 hours. You’re dragging yourself out of the store into your car to go back home. You’re exhausted and can’t wait to get your head on the pillow. Any sign of inspirations has vanished.

Is this visual a bit too close for comfort? I completely understand. I’ve been that person, tired but energized, coming home from a trade show.

That person who walks into their store to find that there is so much to do after being gone for a few days. It’s hard to see the forest through the trees. I’m here to remind you of the big picture. 

I am here to remind you of the golden nuggets that you still have in your pocket! This gold can be used to create more sales and more engagement. They can be used to turn customers into raving fans who wouldn’t think of going anywhere else to shop.  

What are these golden nuggets?  It’s something simple that many retailers overlook.

There is GOLD in all the knowledge and feelings that you accumulated at that trade show. 

The gold is in the story about how your largest vendor’s fall collection was inspired by his family reunion trip to China or the story behind the two sisters who started importing toys from England.

That feeling you got when you first laid eyes on your favorite sweater of the entire show.  


Product Marketing

So how do these pieces of gold turn your customers into raving fans?  It’s all about connecting with your raving fans and sharing this. Be authentic. You want them to catch the excitement of your trip. You want them to catch the vision of what you saw.   

Those stories, feelings and bits of knowledge that you got from the trade show, allow you to share your experience with your customers.

Be real with them.  Remember that one new game that you loved so much? Share how it made you feel when you played it. How about that brand new vendor that you stumbled upon?  

Social Media Engagement

bracelets with "be the buyer" wordsTake lots of pictures and videos for social media. Then share them again in your emails when you get home.  Find a photo of the owners and jot down the story of how they got started in their parent’s basement.

What about that new line of eco-friendly sweaters? Take the time to write down the key points of how the company works to share their passion of creating a better world. 

Give your customers a glimpse into the trade show. Stories like these make it all come to life – the vendor, the item and your store! Customers become invested in your store and they become raving fans who tell others about a new product you shared with them – and then anxiously await its arrival.  

Think of it as taking them along with you to the show and when you take them on that type of journey, you are setting yourself apart from any other store. You will be gathering your herd of raving fans and as a result your business will grow!

After the Trade Show

While traveling home, write down the top 10 topics/items that you want to share with your customers.  Those topics can be a product that you fell in love with or a great new vendor that you met. Maybe it is a new look that you know your customers will love. What inspired you?!

Use it to inspire them.

A client had this great idea of asking their raving fans to be buyers with them!  

They got great responses.
Ask your people what they want!
Do it in Stories and in posts and in an email.
(Not all the same pics in all platforms in the same day!  Spread it out.)
A super powerful way to get them engaged.

 many bracelets necklaces with "should we buy this line"

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