Wearing Lots of Hats

Do you remember the kid’s book “Caps For Sale”? It is about the peddler who wears all these hats and sells them. It is what I think about when I give a speech. Every time I am giving a speech to retailers, I mention about how we retailers wear so many hats. We are chief salespeople, head buyers, advertising and … Read More

Where the heck are my customers?!

“I do all this work and put together all these events and do all these posts and no one walks through my door. I am so mad and sick and tired of this.” A retailer said this to me the other day…and I know I have said it myself. If you think the answer to all your problems is that … Read More

Prom and Albino Squirrels

Fun times…Prom 2012! My daughter Clare is a senior at a small Christian high school and they allow the entire school to attend the big dance. Christopher attends a different school but got invited to go by a mutual friend. They had a blast being at the dance together. Thanks for letting me share! It was amazing to see the … Read More

Did You Know About Your Secret Weapon?

These days many retailers fear that all of their efforts are in vain because Amazon is going to overtake the world. A client and I were reviewing her results for the last year – she was up 30%! So exciting, right? I’ll admit that I was feeling pretty sure of what her answer would be when I asked the question, … Read More

A Tale of Two Stores, Crazy Missed Opportunities and Lost Profits

There is an art and a science to retail. A key part of the science is managing the inventory well so that the investment that you have in your single biggest asset is maximized. As founder of Management One (which is the inventory planning tool that I use), Marc Weiss spends a great deal of time analyzing data. He shared … Read More