The Only 3 Things You Need to Launch a Newsletter

“by Linda Claire Puig, 6-figure newsletter and email marketing expert”

Summer is a GREAT time to create your first newsletter. Typically, work loads are slimmer as people go on vacations. So use that time wisely to work on YOUR business, and a newsletter is the perfect project!

If you’re not exactly sure where to start, I’ll make simple for you. All you need for successful “lift-off” of your newsletter are the following 3 things.

While there are other small details to take care of, such as choosing an email service provider and gathering your “starter list,” if you don’t nail these, your newsletter will never really get off the ground.

Clear understanding of your audience and their problems, needs, aspirations.

If you don’t know who you’re writing to and what kinds of subjects to include in your newsletter, you’ll waste a lot of time connecting with the wrong people about the wrong topics.

Take some time to do a little research before starting your newsletter. When you know you’re speaking to the right audience about topics that matter to them — that are RELEVANT — to their concerns and dreams, they’ll be hungry for your newsletter to arrive in their inboxes.

Willingness to be seen and to share yourself!

Fear of what people will think has stalled many a newsletter launch of that first newsletter. This fear most often shows up as procrastination or perfectionism. Be on the lookout for these two saboteurs! They probably always show up when you’re stretching yourself, and launching your first newsletter is a GOOOOOD stretch!

The most successful newsletters are the ones in which you get personal and share yourself. People want to know you before they are willing to hire or buy from you. They want a real relationship with you that helps them trust you and what you provide. With dozens, or hundreds, or thousands of others offering similar products, it’s YOU — unique you — who makes the difference.

So be prepared to show up in your newsletter!

A commitment to promote, even if it feels uncomfortable.

Your newsletter, and the valuable content you provide in it, is the perfect tool to build a profitable relationship with your readers — as long as you give them opportunities to take action!   Always have a call to action in every newsletter.

Linda Claire Puig is a newsletter and email marketing expert, and founder of 6-Figure Newsletters. She teaches independent, service-based professionals how to create powerful newsletters and use them to build a 6-figure business. In addition, Linda’s Ready2Go Content services provide coaches and independent, service-based professionals with a variety of newsletter solutions, including high-quality, professionally written, done-for-you articles, newsletters and brochures to grow their businesses and easily connect with their audience.

An award-winning journalist and writer for the past 30 years, Linda’s articles have appeared in newspapers, magazines and newsletters around the world, including the Los Angeles Times, Choice Magazine and the Columbia Journalism Review.

She has produced newsletters for associations, small businesses and solo-professionals since 1990 and has trained thousands of individuals in “the way of the newsletter.” Linda is on a mission to help entrepreneurs “fall in love” with the newsletter and use this key marketing tool to create a thriving business that supports their dream life. For a free copy of her “75 Best Newsletter Success Strategies,” click here.