Welcome to part 3 of the Grow Your Store with Ease series. If you missed the first two parts in this series, you can read them here: Part 1 and Part 2
“Go with your feelings.” “Follow your vibe.” “If it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it.”
We’ve all heard advice like this. And sure, there’s some truth to it. You should feel joy and peace. You should take time to stop and smell the flowers. Life is about balance, right?
But here’s the catch: If you want to grow your store feelings can’t run the show. They can’t drive the car. Let me explain.
Years ago, Paul and I had an argument about this very thing. I was all about accomplishing goals, building a legacy, and making progress. Paul, on the other hand, reminded me, “Not at the expense of happiness and relationships.”
Touché. He wasn’t wrong. But I shot back, “If you don’t create goals around happiness and relationships, they will be at risk.” We went back and forth, voices raised. I thought I had him cornered… until later that day as I walked out the door on my way to the store, and found a bouquet of flowers with a note that read, Stop and smell these flowers. Love, Paul.
I got it. I really did. But the tension stayed with me for a long time: feelings vs. goals. Achievements vs. joy. What I’ve learned since then, though, is this:
It’s not either/or. It’s both.
You Need to Acknowledge Your Feelings
Yes, your feelings matter. They help guide you and ensure you’re on the right path. But successful entrepreneurs learn how to unhook their ability to execute from their emotional journey.
Think about it: there are days when you don’t feel like doing the hard work. You’re tired, overwhelmed, or just plain over it. That’s okay. Acknowledge it. Pause and smell the flowers if you need to. But don’t let those feelings decide whether or not you’re going to take the wheel. Not if you really want to grow your store.
Your feelings can ride shotgun. They can even choose the playlist. But they can’t touch the steering wheel.
You Have Agency Over the Journey to Grow Your Store
There are mornings when I want to stay in bed. I’ll admit it. But I get up because I know the goals I’ve set for myself are worth it. I’ve learned to push past the feelings of fatigue or frustration and take charge. That’s my choice—and yours too.
At the same time, I’ve also learned to create space for joy and rest. Paul’s flowers remind me of that. You can pause to refill your cup without losing sight of your destination.
A Millie Moment: Grow Your Store – Balance in Action
One of my favorite examples of this comes from Cadence, who owns Fuzzy Goat in Thomasville, Georgia. She sent me a picture of her brand-new Mini Cooper—a car she worked so hard to buy. It was a celebration of her achievements, a tangible reminder of how far she’d come. And what did she and her husband Mike do next? They took the car out for lunch, simply to enjoy it.
That’s the balance I’m talking about. Work hard to hit your goals. Celebrate the wins. Enjoy the ride. But don’t let your emotions take control of the journey.
So, Who’s Driving Your Car?
When you wake up tomorrow, ask yourself: who’s in control? Are your emotions calling the shots, or are you? You have the power to choose. To set goals. To push forward. To pause and enjoy. You can do both.
If this story resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it. Join the conversation in our Richer Retailer group.
You are fabulous, and I’m cheering you on every step of the way. Happy retailing!
Ready to coach up? If you’re already at 6 figures and ready to scale up to 7 figures, watch our free class: 3 Steps to Maximize Profit & Reduce Overwhelm. If you’re not there just yet, watch: How to Increase Your Sales So You Can Consistently Pay Yourself & Your Staff.
Together, we’ll help you build the profitable, sustainable business you’ve always dreamed of – one that lets you sleep better at night knowing your retail dreams are becoming reality.