Store Owners: Feel Like You Never Do Enough?

Store owners: do you feel like you never do enough?

Store owners: Do you feel like you never do enough? Like you’re doing everything in your store – and yet it’s like you can never do enough? This is for you! This question came through in our retail community recently: I’m struggling with delegating tasks to employees, making profit goals, and constantly feeling like I never do enough If you … Read More

State of Retail 2022 – The 5 E’s of Retail Success

State of Retail 2022

There has been a lot of uncertainty and confusion about what retailers can do right now to deal with everything going on in politics, with the economy and the world in general. Consumer habits have changed for sure. Recently I delivered my annual State of Retail in 2022 at our RETAILMavens Mastermind Retreat, sharing what you need to know about … Read More

My Top Tip to Increase Sales

top tip to increase sales

When I shared my top tip to increase sales and traffic immediately with a client, she acted as if I had told her a 4 letter word 😳. I assure you I didn’t. But her reaction is not uncommon! I’m sharing our conversation so that you can see why it’s a flawed perspective. I’m sharing it because it wasn’t the … Read More

How Do I Get New Customers?

Get New Customers

How do I get new customers? This is probably the question I get asked the MOST. Of course, the purpose of your marketing strategy and all the time, sweat and money you put into it – is ultimately to get new customers so you can increase sales. Getting new customers is actually the last step in our Sales Breakthrough System, … Read More

How Do I Improve My Sales Skills?

improve your sales skills

If you’re like most store owners I work with, you might have asked “how do I improve my sales skills?”. Because most shop owners didn’t open their retail store because they LOVE selling, or are really great sales people. They opened their store because they have a passion. It might be a passion for a particular product that they want … Read More