The Magic Inventory Formula

the magic inventory formula

Are you looking for the magic inventory formula that will finally solve the challenge of having the right amount of inventory in your retail store? “What’s the magic formula for how much inventory to carry and order?” This was a recent question in our retail community. Don’t you wish there was a magic formula that everyone could use to have … Read More

How Do I Make More Profit?

Retail Expert Cathy Donovan Wagner is mid-twirl, eyes closed, looking peaceful and relaxed because her business is making more profit

Every week, store owners in our community ask a different version of the same question: How do I make more profit? It’s a question that often comes with an equal measure of aspiration… and frustration. A More Profit Mindset Now, before you rush to cash management strategies – action steps to take, there’s a crucial mindset shift you must make … Read More

3 Steps to Budget for Retail Profits

I’m about to share 3 steps to budget for retail profits – a crucial topic inspired by a question from our retail community: How do I create a strategic budget to maximize profits in my retail business? As the CEO of your retail business – you HAVE to know your numbers. I’m going to say that again: You don’t have … Read More

Your Store Days: How do you increase your sales by 176%?

An Amazon Prime Day box is featured against a blue background with confetti coming out. The word prime has been crossed out and replaced with your store, to read your store days

Would you like to know why YOU should celebrate Amazon Prime™ Days and turn them into Your Store Days? Wait, what?! Why am I asking you, an independent retailer, to cheer for Amazon Prime™ Days? Because this is a huge opportunity to take advantage of the cultural fanfare this event gets and put a local twist on it to make it … Read More

One Number To Maximize Your Revenue – Do you know it?

Do you know the One Number To Maximize Your Revenue? Everyday every retailer wakes up and goes into their store with the intent of maximizing their revenue with their every action. They intend to do the best they can. But what if their best attempts aren’t focused on the right actions? What if the ladder that they are climbing to … Read More