How to Keep Inventory Looking Fresh for More Sales

Keeping inventory looking fresh

Keeping inventory looking fresh is essential for attracting and retaining customers, as it creates a visually appealing and dynamic shopping experience. Here are my top 10 strategies to achieve this in your store: #1: Regular Merchandising Updates Rotate your inventory frequently to showcase new arrivals, seasonal items, or trending products. This keeps the displays visually interesting and encourages customers to … Read More

7 Retail Friendly Lead Magnet Ideas

Retail Friendly Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is a very well known term in the online marketing space, but they can also be a very efficient retail marketing strategy. That’s why I’m sharing these 7 retail friendly lead magnets you can use to grow your email list. Why Lead Magnets? The ultimate purpose of your lead magnet is to attract leads – or customers … Read More

2 Important Customer Types in Retail

2 important customer types in retail

There are 2 important customer types in retail that you should pay attention to the most. Because once you understand these two customer types, you’ll be able to execute marketing, store events and promotions that serve each type the best – which leads to more sales and profit for you. When I share these two types with store owners, I … Read More

Why You Shouldn’t Do a Storewide Sale!

storewide sales

When cash is tight it’s easy to fall into the trap of running a storewide sale. After all, what would attract customers more than “Everything is 20% off!”, right? I’m here to tell you… DON’T DO IT!!! This plan will backfire on you! Why You Shouldn’t do a Storewide Sale When you run a storewide (or sitewide) sale, you actually … Read More

My Top Tip to Increase Sales

top tip to increase sales

When I shared my top tip to increase sales and traffic immediately with a client, she acted as if I had told her a 4 letter word 😳. I assure you I didn’t. But her reaction is not uncommon! I’m sharing our conversation so that you can see why it’s a flawed perspective. I’m sharing it because it wasn’t the … Read More