Store Owners: Feel Like You Never Do Enough?

Store owners: do you feel like you never do enough?

Store owners: Do you feel like you never do enough? Like you’re doing everything in your store – and yet it’s like you can never do enough? This is for you! This question came through in our retail community recently: I’m struggling with delegating tasks to employees, making profit goals, and constantly feeling like I never do enough If you … Read More

Create More Time in Your Day

Create More Time So That Your Business Is Fully Supporting YOU | RETAIL Mavens Small Business Retail Consulting | Chicago Online Support

Create More Time So That Your Business Is Fully Supporting YOU | One of the top reasons people give for why they haven’t achieved their goals, started or completed a project, or spent time on a hobby they really enjoy – is that they don’t have enough time. RETAIL Mavens Small Business Retail Consulting | Chicago Online Support

Feeling a Bit Overwhelmed?

I just heard this from a client who was at our Retail Profit Revolution. She said “You promised I’d come home with tons of ideas to make my store life more profitable and fun. And I did. But there is so much to do and I stepped back into all these messes back at the store.” To be honest, I … Read More

Where the heck are my customers?!

“I do all this work and put together all these events and do all these posts and no one walks through my door. I am so mad and sick and tired of this.” Haven’t you said this before…..and I know I have said it myself. If you think the answer to all your problems is that you just need more … Read More

Delegation: The Secret ALL Successful Retailers Use

Let me share a big secret with you that all successful retailers know: If you want to have an ideal business, work less and make a whole lot more, I can assure you that you CANNOT do it by yourself. You must delegate! How do I know this? Because for years, I tried! For years, I told myself that no … Read More