Store Owners: Feel Like You Never Do Enough?

Store owners: do you feel like you never do enough?

Store owners: Do you feel like you never do enough? Like you’re doing everything in your store – and yet it’s like you can never do enough? This is for you! This question came through in our retail community recently:

I’m struggling with delegating tasks to employees, making profit goals, and constantly feeling like I never do enough

If you can relate to this, I’m going to suggest that your CEO hat might be crooked! Trust me, you are not alone – so many retail store owners have a crooked CEO hat, because most of you are wearing TOO MANY hats!

And when you’re wearing too many hats it’s hard to even just know where to start. So I’m going to give you three action steps to take right now:

3 Steps for When You Feel Like You Never Do Enough

  1. Identify your big goal – What is it you want to achieve in your business this year? If you don’t know where you’re going, it’s really hard to get there… (need help setting a sales goal? Check out this post!)
  2. Acknowledge your wins – This is an underestimated but crucial part of stepping into the CEO position of your business, because it:
    👉 Boosts confidence and morale
    👉 Reinforces your strategy
    👉 Reduces the “spaghetti-on-the-wall” attitude – which is just stressful – because you’re specifically looking for what’s working in your business
  3. Prioritize the top 3 actions to take next – Look at that big goal, and then look at your list of what’s working – and decide what the most important actions are for you to take right now? Choose to step out of overwhelm and into decisiveness. 

Coincidentally, these are the exact things our retail coaches highlight for our Profit Club clients every month. On the CEO tab of the Profit Roadmap our Profit Club coaches outline the top 3 action steps you should take right now, based on your goals and what’s happening in your store, and they’ll celebrate your wins – based on what’s actually working in your store. 

These wins are based on your actual data and analyzed by a retail expert, so not only can you trust that it’s true, but you can connect it back to a strategy you’ve implemented so you can do more of that.

And this roadmap is delivered at the start of the month, every month so you don’t have to figure it out on your own!

I have a free masterclass called 3 Steps to Maximize Profit & Peace of Mind where I break down what else you get in the Profit Roadmap because the CEO tab is only ONE of THREE powerful tabs inside this game changer.

Spoiler alert: These three tabs match the ONLY 3 hats you SHOULD be wearing in your store so you can maximize Profit AND peace of mind.