Where the heck are my customers?!

“I do all this work and put together all these events and do all these posts and no one walks through my door. I am so mad and sick and tired of this.” Haven’t you said this before…..and I know I have said it myself. If you think the answer to all your problems is that you just need more … Read More

How to Turn A Mad Customer Into A Loyal Customer

American Express released their findings last year in the American Express Global Customer Service Barometer, a survey conducted in the U.S. and eleven other countries exploring attitudes and preferences toward customer service. Perhaps the most significant revelation of this survey is that customers are willing to pay more, up to 9% more, to ensure that they obtain superior customer care. … Read More


I am not going to play games with you.  This is serious and critical. Every single one of my private clients has been told about the importance of emailing weekly – especially right now.  I will quickly address your concerns about “is that too much?” ABSOLUTELY NOT!  You only want to be communicating with people who WANT to hear from … Read More

How To Handle A Mad Customer

Last week I discussed findings that were released in the American Express Global Customer Service Barometer, a survey conducted in the U.S. and eleven other countries exploring attitudes and preferences toward customer service. Perhaps the most significant revelation of this survey is that customers are willing to pay more, up to 9% more, to ensure that they obtain superior customer … Read More