Would you like to know why YOU should celebrate Amazon Prime™ Days and turn them into Your Store Days? Wait, what?! Why am I asking you, an independent retailer, to cheer for Amazon Prime™ Days? Because this is a huge opportunity to take advantage of the cultural fanfare this event gets and put a local twist on it to make it … Read More
Why You Shouldn’t Do a Storewide Sale!
When cash is tight it’s easy to fall into the trap of running a storewide sale. After all, what would attract customers more than “Everything is 20% off!”, right? I’m here to tell you… DON’T DO IT!!! This plan will backfire on you! Why You Shouldn’t do a Storewide Sale When you run a storewide (or sitewide) sale, you actually … Read More
Why You Shouldn’t Do a Weekend Sale
I was chatting with a client recently, and she was feeling a little panicky. Her sales were down and she told me she wanted to do a quick weekend sale. My immediate answer was “NO”, quickly adding an explanation for why it was a bad idea. Then I realized that you might not know why it’s a bad idea either! … Read More
My Top Tip to Increase Sales
When I shared my top tip to increase sales and traffic immediately with a client, she acted as if I had told her a 4 letter word 😳. I assure you I didn’t. But her reaction is not uncommon! I’m sharing our conversation so that you can see why it’s a flawed perspective. I’m sharing it because it wasn’t the … Read More
Retail Tip: Go Big or Go Home!
Here’s a retail tip for you: GO BIG or GO HOME! It’s my retail mantra! Actually it’s my life mantra too. Usually associated with NCAA basketball time and March Madness, it also accurately describes entrepreneurial life… All these teams get ONE shot. If they lose – they go home. If they go big, they advance. For you, to advance means … Read More