How Do I Make More Profit?

Retail Expert Cathy Donovan Wagner is mid-twirl, eyes closed, looking peaceful and relaxed because her business is making more profit

Every week, store owners in our community ask a different version of the same question: How do I make more profit? It’s a question that often comes with an equal measure of aspiration… and frustration. A More Profit Mindset Now, before you rush to cash management strategies – action steps to take, there’s a crucial mindset shift you must make … Read More

Profiting in the Retail Off-Season

retail off-season

How can you make sure you’re profiting in the retail off-season? This was a great question I received in our retail community recently, and I know many of you can relate. First things first—profitability is the goal, no matter the season. However, in a retail off-season, cash flow can take a dip, even if your business is profitable. So, let’s … Read More

Why You Shouldn’t Do a Weekend Sale

weekend sale

I was chatting with a client recently, and she was feeling a little panicky. Her sales were down and she told me she wanted to do a quick weekend sale. My immediate answer was “NO”, quickly adding an explanation for why it was a bad idea. Then I realized that you might not know why it’s a bad idea either! … Read More

My Top Tip to Increase Sales

top tip to increase sales

When I shared my top tip to increase sales and traffic immediately with a client, she acted as if I had told her a 4 letter word 😳. I assure you I didn’t. But her reaction is not uncommon! I’m sharing our conversation so that you can see why it’s a flawed perspective. I’m sharing it because it wasn’t the … Read More

How Do I Get New Customers?

Get New Customers

How do I get new customers? This is probably the question I get asked the MOST. Of course, the purpose of your marketing strategy and all the time, sweat and money you put into it – is ultimately to get new customers so you can increase sales. Getting new customers is actually the last step in our Sales Breakthrough System, … Read More