As a store owner you must know how to merchandise for profit in your store. I’m sure you’ve heard the term “captive audience” before, but have you ever considered when and where you might have a captive audience in your store? One of the best opportunities to grow your sales is when a customer is either making a purchase (in … Read More
Clearance Sale Tip: Dollar Tables
What if I told you that I have a foolproof clearance sale tip for you? A way for your customers to say “Take my money!”? Retailers are always amazed that one small tweak can make a huge difference to the bottom line, but that’s what sooo exciting about when the science of consumer psychology comes together with your marketing, merchandising … Read More
Avoid This Checkout Mistake – Markdowns vs. Discounts
You can avoid this checkout mistake! I’m talking about the definition of markdowns vs discounts. To your customer, there really is no difference between a markdown and a discount – they both mean a reduced price. But for a Revolutionary Retailer like you, there is a subtle, but important difference, and if you don’t know it – you might be … Read More
Traffic Down? Raise Your Items per Sale
Raising your Items per Sale can have a big impact on your retail sales when traffic is down. Here’s how to do it in your store.
How You Should Greet Customers in Retail
Have you ever wondered how you should greet customers in retail? How you greet customers can actually make or break your sales success. Many retailers I work with either feel awkward greeting a customer when they walk in their door or they fall into a standard response like “Can I help you?”, because they think that’s what they’re supposed to … Read More