Profiting in the Retail Off-Season

retail off-season

How can you make sure you’re profiting in the retail off-season? This was a great question I received in our retail community recently, and I know many of you can relate. First things first—profitability is the goal, no matter the season. However, in a retail off-season, cash flow can take a dip, even if your business is profitable. So, let’s … Read More

Where Should the Money Go – Calm the Cash Flow Chaos

Where should the money go - Calm the cash flow chaos

Have you been feeling the cash flow chaos lately? In a recent Q&A session, a retail store owner in our retail community asked a great question: Where should the money go? Allocating your sales consistently across profit, inventory, payroll, and other crucial areas seems like an unattainable goal, leading to a frustrating cycle of financial inconsistency or put more simply: … Read More