What Is Most Important Lesson from the Olympics?

What Is Most Important Lesson from the Olympics?

Gabby Douglas

Michael Phelps

Jordyn Wieber

Ryan Lochte

Misty May-Treanor

Missy Franklin

Most of these names I bet you had never heard of before the Olympics. I don’t care how much or how little you care about the Olympics – these names are everywhere. You can’t miss them. The only reason you know now and have started to care is because you have learned the story behind the name. Those stories have made those names 3 dimensional for the world. For people who are interested in the Olympics, those stories make you care about how those athletes perform and how they finish. Now I care about them!

What stories do you give your raving fans? Your raving fans ARE interested in learning more. Give them what they want!

Tell them stories about how you started your store. Share with them the story of your trade show experience. Feature team member’s stories and accomplishments. These stories make your store come more alive and stand apart from other stores!

Tell your raving fan’s stories about the products in your store. You spend so much time and energy carefully selecting and editing all the items out there for your fans. Share the story behind why you chose that particular item over another. Make the vendor come alive and relate the story behind the vendor. You heard it and it made you care more right? Share it with your tribe.

Highlight the story…only mention the benefits…your raving fans will love you even more!