What do trick or treaters and your sales people have in common?

Trick or TreatersWhat do trick or treaters and your sales people have in common?

Trick or Treaters and your sales people are more similar than you think. In fact, there are 3 things that your team and trick or treaters MUST have in common.

Trick or treators are VERY successful. Think about it. They are the most successful door-to-door sales people of ALL TIME.

There are 3 simple reasons for that.

1. Trick or Treaters dress for success. It is required that they camouflage their reality. They know it is expected of them and they accept the challenge. It sets the tone for their experience at the door! Does your team understand the importance of your dress code and embrace it?

2. The most successful trick or treaters always ask for the sale. “Trick or Treat?” Every Single Time. Without Fail. Does your team ask for the sale? Every Single Time. Without Fail.

Sales People

3. They make their approach with positive expectations that they will get what they want. The candy! They expect to win. They expect to get candy. You must know that sometimes they don’t get any. Sometimes there is no one home. But every time they approach – they EXPECT to win! Does your team make their approach expecting to get the treat? Expecting to win?

Go through the above questions asking them of yourself and your team.

How can you support your team to get more success?