Retail Success Story: Cyndi Made $45,000 in 3 Days

Retailer Cyndi smiles into the camera. The title reads Cyndi made $45,000 in 3 days

Get inspired by this retail success story as Cyndi shares how she used her special retail events to make $45,000 in just 3 days. To become our next retail success story – learn how to implement the 4 steps of the Sales Breakthrough System in this free training, and start growing your sales quickly! Cathy:Hi Cyndi! So we’re going to … Read More

How to Merchandise for Profit

As a store owner you must know how to merchandise for profit in your store. I’m sure you’ve heard the term “captive audience” before, but have you ever considered when and where you might have a captive audience in your store? One of the best opportunities to grow your sales is when a customer is either making a purchase (in … Read More

3 Steps to Boost Your Motivation

3 steps to boost your motivation

Ever felt unmotivated and simply not in the mood to do anything? Yeah, it happens to me too. Use these 3 steps to boost your motivation and productivity! I had these amazing eight weeks of rocking and rolling after the holidays with all sorts of fabulous ideas and new marvelous clients – it was great! I am usually motivated and … Read More

9 Signs Your Store is in Trouble

Are You a Frog? Warts and all? If I were to ask you: Are you a frog? Warts and all? I’m going to guess that your immediate response is: “NO! And I don’t have any warts!” But are you sure? We all know the story about the frog and boiling water. It goes that if you put a frog in … Read More

Retail Planning: Do NOT Make Resolutions Yet!

This time of year we’re flooded with posts about New Year resolutions. And don’t get me wrong – I absolutely believe in setting goals, and in writing them down. That’s surely a step that increases success. But right now I’m asking you to NOT make any New Year’s Resolutions.  Not yet. There is something else you must do first. Look … Read More