Why are My Sales so Slow?

“Why are my sales so slow? We should be busier than this!” you think to yourself after checking your daily sales total for the third time in the last hour, even though you know it hasn’t changed. Your store is full of beautiful inventory that you have spent so much time carefully choosing and editing for your customers, so where … Read More

Avoid This Checkout Mistake – Markdowns vs. Discounts

You can avoid this checkout mistake! I’m talking about the definition of markdowns vs discounts. To your customer, there really is no difference between a markdown and a discount – they both mean a reduced price.  But for a Revolutionary Retailer like you, there is a subtle, but important difference, and if you don’t know it – you might be … Read More

How do I get More Repeat Sales?

How do I get more repeat sales

As a store owner, a BIG part of your revenue comes from repeat sales. But are you getting enough of them? If I was a Magic Genie in a bottle who granted you three retail wishes, you might wish for: But… Since I’m NOT a Genie (sorry I really wish I was!), you’ll have to rely less on magic and … Read More

This World Needs You: A November Challenge

november challenge

I have a November challenge for you dear store owner. Because as an independent retailer, you are an integral part of a HUGE patchwork that ties your community together. On a larger scale, you are a cornerstone of our greater society. That is why we are declaring November the month of GRATITUDE!And here is why you should declare it with … Read More

The Best Content Ideas from Trade Shows

The best content ideas from trade shows

I know that going to retail trade shows is a whirlwind of activity and decisions. But don’t miss the pieces of content ideas hiding at your next trade show. It’s pure GOLD for your content marketing. You come back from trade shows with so much NEW… new lines, new items, new ideas and new enthusiasm. Right? Imagine today is your … Read More