Taking It Personally

Yesterday, I visited a shop that only sells children’s books. The store was empty and I asked the clerk, “Do you know where I can find Yertle the Turtle?” He walked over to the computer, typed a few keystrokes and said, “I don’t think we have it, do you know who the author is?” Stunned silence. [I found the section … Read More

Ho Ho Ho – The Secret Translation

What! Ho Ho Ho has a secret translation? We can all picture Santa Claus leaning back with hands on his belly while saying “ho ho ho”. It is part of his joyful and laughter-rich image. “Ho ho ho” is an onomatopoeia, which is a word that sounds like what it means. It is a deep and happy sound. In the … Read More

5 Ways Every Retailer Can Increase Holiday Season Sales

The Holiday Season is every retailer’s dream and nightmare. When I owned my boutique, I used to joke that I wished Jesus had a brother so we could do it all two times a year instead of one. At the same time, the holiday season caused a lot of stress for my team and me, I REALLY wanted to make … Read More

Our Manifesto. Do you have one?

More powerful than a mission statement. This is what we believe. This is who we are. This is what we do. What do you believe? Who are you? What do you really do? You are part of a revolution. You know who you are impacting. Write it down. Share it! Here is Our Manifesto. Do you have one?