Don’t Ignore Turn (I know YOU don’t!) Part 2

Be sure to read Part 1, So Much Profit Hidden in this One Word, first and then come back here!   Another true story about why you Don’t Ignore Turn In June I met with a client who was frustrated by his lack of cash flow. We identified one of the problems: His turn was too low. By digging deeper, we … Read More

So Much Profit Hidden In This One Word

There Is So Much Profit Hidden In This One Word. The following is a true story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent idiot. Pat owned a toy and children’s clothing store. After a great year in which she was up about $42,000 from the previous year while maintaining the same expense structure, Pat was looking forward to … Read More

Got Some Lazy Items In Your Store?

Jean said – “Your Killer Clearance Sale has worked like magic for us! My team loves it. We have moved so much inventory and made lots of money from it.” “That’s great Jean. I am so happy to hear that!” I replied. “But Cathy I have another problem. What can I do RIGHT NOW about merchandise that has already run … Read More

Real Retailer Q’s: My Cash Flow is SUCKING

It all started with this email from my client……….. Hey Cathy- I saw you e-mailed me last week or something, and I never got around to responding. I was knee-deep in my last big promotion and now I’m desperate for an idea to help cash flow. The launch went ok, not as great as I was hoping, but it brought … Read More

Don’t Let Your Leprechaun Turn Into A Pumpkin.

I did a quick video for you in honor of the big national holiday today! I’ve got some special treats for you. So before you go off to dance a jig with me,,,and eat corned beef and cabbage..yum yum…. Sign up for the Profit Breakthrough System by midnight to get the “Luck of the Irish” treats that will create more … Read More