Caps for Sale. How Many Do You Wear?

Do you remember the kid’s book “Caps For Sale”?  It is about the peddler who wears all these hats and sells them.  It is what I think about when I give a speech. Every time I am giving a speech to retailers, I mention about how we retailers wear so many hats. We are chief salespeople, head buyers, advertising and … Read More

7 WriterDowners From the Indie Retailers Conference

The Independent Retailers Conference was an event full of great resources and fantastic education. So much so that I decided to share some key insights…or “writerdowners” as I like to call them! That means that they are so good that they must be written down so as not to be forgotten! 1. From Ron Cates of Constant Contact: Use Arial … Read More

Take A Moment and Think

I want you to take a moment and think about the lives that you impact every single day through the work that you do. I want you to take a moment and think about the memories that have been created because of the items that families have used from your store. I want you to take a moment and think … Read More