7 WriterDowners From the Indie Retailers Conference

The Independent Retailers Conference was an event full of great resources and fantastic education. So much so that I decided to share some key insights…or “writerdowners” as I like to call them! That means that they are so good that they must be written down so as not to be forgotten! 1. From Ron Cates of Constant Contact: Use Arial … Read More

Take A Moment and Think

I want you to take a moment and think about the lives that you impact every single day through the work that you do. I want you to take a moment and think about the memories that have been created because of the items that families have used from your store. I want you to take a moment and think … Read More


I HATE FAILURE. I LOVE SUCCESS It is essential for every person who is serious about achieving significant personal and business growth to work with a coach. That is a fact. You can’t do it on your own. In a meeting in January, my coach and I developed an action plan that included the execution of this one particular activity. … Read More