My good friend and colleague, Jane Hamil of Fashion Brain Academy works with designers who want to create a successful business from their creative designs in their heads. She was telling me about how often along the way, they find that getting support from family and friends can be hard to come by. So, she shared some great practical tips … Read More
What To Do With What’s Left?
So you have done your fabulous sale. BUT there are still a few things left. What to do with them? If this was their first Clearance Sale, then box them up to use as the loss leaders for the next one. All items should go through two clearance sales. If they have already been through two sales, then you can … Read More
Batman and Robin Will Double Your Sales!
I saw this image on the front of Auntie Annie’s Pretzel stand. It stopped me in my tracks. Paul laughed at me for taking a picture – and now I am mad that I can’t find it to share with you! Imagine a photo of a hot, soft, delicious pretzel. Got it? To the right of that yummy looking pretzel … Read More
CASE STUDY: How To Increase Your Net Income by $53,976
My client had come through 2009 with sales down and profits up. That was good news. She recognized that she had done better than most retailers, but she wanted to get much more from 2010. Bottom line, she wanted to make more money – and expected me to show her how. My problem was that we have been working together … Read More