Pay Attention To Your Gut. If you don’t love it, don’t buy it. That is a markdown waiting to happen. Don’t Pay Attention To Your Gut. If you love it, really love it, want it for yourself, and are worried that it is too expensive – then do order it. Time and time again I find that an … Read More
Obama vs Romney! 12 Specific Elements of 2 Great Emails and the 2 Ideas to Improve Them
This is like your own workshop in indie retailing email campaigns! I am including two examples of good emails for you to learn from. Read through this first email and see if you can pick out the 4 great components and the one I would have changed… Subject: Cathy Will your child be a rocket scientist? There are 4 great … Read More
Delegation: The Secret ALL Successful Retailers Use
Let me share a big secret with you that all successful retailers know: If you want to have an ideal business, work less and make a whole lot more, I can assure you that you CANNOT do it by yourself. You must delegate! How do I know this? Because for years, I tried! For years, I told myself that no … Read More
Delegation: The Secret ALL Successful Retailers Use
Let me share a big secret with you that all successful retailers know: If you want to have an ideal business, work less and make a whole lot more, I can assure you that you CANNOT do it by yourself. You must delegate! How do I know this? Because for years, I tried! For years, I told myself that no … Read More